Why Dry Ager?
How do you get to be the No. 1 Dry-Aging Meat Maturing Cabinet worldwide? The Dry Ager ambition was simple; to develop and produce a professional, plug & play solution to bring the oldest tradition of meat maturing, back into the restaurants, butchers and homes.
Meeting high expectations, the Dry Ager is protected with 5 patents to ensure a timeless and sophisticated meat maturing cabinet for all applications.
100% Made in Germany – Built to last.
One of the essential elements of a quality Dry Aging cabinet to bear in mind is the control over humidity. Inside the Dry Ager, the meat ages at a constant humidity which can be accurately controlled, set in precise 0.1°C increments between 60 – 90%.
No need for an external water supply.
A perfect microclimate will ensure that the meat aging, not only is flavourful, but is also in a sterile environment. The DX AirReg® ensures an ideal airflow and continuous sterilization inside the cabinet.
Active UVC-ventilated-disinfection system sterilizes the air in the cabinet every minute. With the charcoal carbon filter, germs and bacteria don’t stand a chance.