Inside the fridge, the meat ages on the bone at a humidity of around 85% and a temperature of 2 °C. The precise electronic control system of the DRY AGER ensures the accurate regulation of temperature, which can be set in precise 0.1 °C increments.
Air Control
The humidity is also controlled accurately through the integrated HumiControl system, which can be set between 60% and 90%. This guarantees, together with the DX AirReg system, a perfect micro-climate, an ideal air-flow and continuous sterilization inside the DRY AGER – even when the outside temperature fluctuates.
UV Protection
To protect the contents inside the fridge from harmful UV-light, the stylish insulated stainless door incorporates a metallic tinted glass.
Not just beef...
The DRY AGER is not only restricted to dry aging beef, but can also be used for the production of charcuterie, smallgoods, air drying cured ham, dry aging pork and lamb, maturing cheese, or simply as a stylish fridge.